Pick 4 Numbers

View the latest winning numbers from Idaho Pick 4 on this page. This Idaho-exclusive game offers the chance to win up to $5,000 twice daily on a $1 play, with draws at 1:59 PM and 7:59 PM Mountain Time. The results are displayed here straight after every drawing so that you can instantly see whether you are a winner.

You can also see the winning numbers from other recent Pick 4 games.

Pick 4 Day Numbers

Thursday February 20th 2025
6 3 0 5 14

Next Jackpot
Wednesday February 19th 2025
1 2 2 2 7

Tuesday February 18th 2025
5 3 4 5 17

Monday February 17th 2025
0 1 7 9 17

Sunday February 16th 2025
9 5 2 1 17

Saturday February 15th 2025
4 4 3 0 11

Friday February 14th 2025
1 2 4 3 10

Pick 4 Night Numbers

Thursday February 20th 2025
0 3 4 4 11

Next Jackpot
Wednesday February 19th 2025
0 1 0 3 4

Tuesday February 18th 2025
2 8 3 3 16

Monday February 17th 2025
7 6 1 7 21

Sunday February 16th 2025
5 5 2 2 14

Saturday February 15th 2025
1 5 7 4 17

Friday February 14th 2025
1 9 3 9 22

How to Play

Pick 4, which launched on January 10, 2021, is Idaho's newest lottery game, based on their successful Pick 3 game. Idaho lottery fans have been waiting more than 20 years for a new in-state daily numbers game. Profits from Pick 4 are use to support Idaho's public schools and buildings.

Players can choose their own four numbers between 0 and 9, or opt to have them generated by the lottery terminal as a Quick Pick. The time of day you purchase your ticket determines whether it will be entered in the day or evening draw.

You may wager $1, $2, or $5 per line, and the amount you bet determines the prizes you can win. The top prize on a $1 play is $5,000 for matching all four numbers in exact order. Depending on the wager type you choose, you can also win Pick 4 prizes by matching numbers in any order or pairs of numbers.

After the draw, check the results posted on this page to see if you're due a prize. If you're a lucky Pick 4 winner, you'll need to claim your prize within 180 days from the draw date.

Sum it Up!

The "Sum it up!" option, which is also available with Pick 3, costs an additional $1 per play and gives an extra chance to win even if you haven't matched the numbers drawn. Players will collect a prize if the sum of their numbers is the same as the sum of those drawn by the Lottery.

Let's say your numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4. Added up, they equal 10. If the sum of the numbers drawn is also 10, you win. You can win with "Sum it up!" whether or not you win a Pick 4 prize - it doesn't matter if the numbers drawn match your numbers or not.

"Sum it up!" is not available if you choose a Front, Mid or Back Pair wager type.

Prizes and Odds of Winning

The prize amounts you can win on Pick 4 depend on the play type you choose and how much you wager. For a $1 wager, the top prize is $5,000. The overall chance of winning a prize is 1 in 7.8.

Scroll down to view "Sum it up!" prizes and odds.

Idaho Pick 4 Prizes and Odds
Wager Type Example Odds $1 Bet Prize $2 Bet Prize $5 Bet Prize
Exact Order
Match all numbers in exact order
1234 1 in 10,000 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000
Any Order
Match all numbers in any order
3 identical numbers
1112 1 in 2,500 $1,200 $2,400 $6,000
2 pairs of identical numbers
1122 1 in 1,666.67 $800 $1,600 $4,000
2 identical numbers
1123 1 in 833.33 $400 $800 $2,000
4 different numbers
1234 1 in 416.67 $200 $400 $1,000
Exact*/Any Order
Match in exact or any order
3 identical numbers
1112 Exact
Any Order
1 in 10,000
1 in 2,500
2 pairs of identical numbers
1122 Exact
Any Order
1 in 10,000
1 in 1,666.67
2 identical numbers
1123 Exact
Any Order
1 in 10,000
1 in 833.33
4 different numbers
1234 Exact
Any Order
1 in 10,000
1 in 416.67
Match two numbers in exact order
Front Pair 12XX 1 in 100 $50 $100 $250
Mid Pair X23X 1 in 100 $50 $100 $250
Back Pair XX34 1 in 100 $50 $100 $250

*Prizes are for combined Exact Order/straight and Any Order/box wins.

Sum it Up! Prizes and Odds

Check the table below to see how much you could win if you add the "Sum it up!" option to your play.

Idaho Pick 4 Sum it Up Prizes and Odds
Sum Prize Sum Prize Sum Prize Sum Prize
0 $5,000 9 $22 18 $8 27 $22
1 $1,250 10 $18 19 $8 28 $30
2 $500 11 $14 20 $8 29 $42
3 $250 12 $12 21 $8 30 $60
4 $142 13 $10 22 $10 31 $90
5 $90 14 $10 23 $10 32 $142
6 $60 15 $8 24 $12 33 $250
7 $42 16 $8 25 $14 34 $500
8 $30 17 $8 26 $18 35 $1,250
36 $5,000